The Silk Road

Who We Are ?

A brand evolved in Egypt's heart - No3, a living tapestry of art, culture, and tradition.
No3 is more than just apparel; it is a catalyst for positive change. We've chosen an ethical manufacturing partner who creates high-quality clothes while  benefiting the local community.
Our manufacturing is GOTS-certified, which ensures ethical practices.
Yet, what sets No3 apart is our source of inspiration—the timeless allure of Arabian Calligraphy. This art form, born within the rich tapestry of Arabian culture, has evolved into an ethereal expression that transcends boundaries of time and space. At No3, we celebrate the fusion of tradition and modernity, where Arabian calligraphy finds its place in the contemporary art world.
Art has always been a language of the soul, a medium to convey our deepest emotions. At No3, we pour our hearts into expressing the exquisite beauty of Arabian calligraphy, encapsulating both its historical essence and its present-day relevance. Our aim is to showcase the resplendence of Arabian culture, a culture that has indelibly shaped the world we know today.
Beyond the surface, Arabian culture holds a profound influence that extends far and wide. During the Arabian Golden Age, a time of enlightenment and innovation, countless inventions and advancements emerged leaving an enduring legacy. From Mathematics to astronomy, poetry and many more that all blossomed under the brilliance of that remarkable era.
Welcome to No3, where past beauty coexists with current innovation. Together, we brighten the world with Arabian calligraphy and highlight the richness of Nomadic Arabian culture.

Lion of the desert

Since the Arabian era, the lion is a significant figure in Arabian culture due to its fearlessness in the face of other creatures when using its raw power and strength. The lion is a symbol of valor and courage because it displays strength and bravery to the enemy. The lion is an iconic motif used in decorative arts, paintings, and textiles, it has been significant to Arabian culture and art. The lion has brought us strength and courage to the Arab world.

The word of mouth

The vast lands of the Arabian desert were difficult, and the only animal capable of traveling many miles without food or water was the camel, which played a crucial role in the spread of the Arabian culture to all lands. In the expansive Arabian desert, camels were useful for transporting large equipment and provided meat, milk, and skin for leather production. The camel has led us to where we are today.

Explore Your Arabian Roots!
Join us within a journey to finding who we are.

    " A wise man used his knowledge to lead, not to dominate"

    - Salahuddin Ayyubi


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